Important Message

UPDATE: Nassau County Stormwater Maintenance will now take place on Wednesday, March 26th.

Building Department

The Building department is responsible for inspecting projects constructed within the Incorporated Village of Cedarhurst.

Projects are required to be inspected during specific key stages of construction to ensure compliance to the approved plans and minimum code standards set forth by the building code of the State of New York and zoning code of the Village of Cedarhurst.

The permit process is designed to ensure the public’s health and safety and protect the environment by establishing standards for energy efficiency.

Online Payments

The Village of Cedarhurst Building Department have begun offering the village the ability to pay for Applications and Permits online via Municity/City Squared. To use the online system, a user must first register. The one-time registration process is simple and takes only a few minutes. 

Users can track permitting history and make payments online via the 24/7 Municity/City Squared platform.

When paying with a credit card there will be a 2.65% convenience fee, with a minimum of $1.50.

Licenses and Fees

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