Published on November 4, 2020

Numbers Save Lives

We tend not to think about it until it’s too late.  If you need an ambulance, police or fire fighters, will they easily find your home?  Yes, but only if the house number is clearly visible – day and night.

House numbers are essential for emergency responders to locate you quickly.  Wasted minutes, even seconds, can make a huge difference.  That is why we urge you to take a few moments to install house numbers or examine your existing house numbers to be sure that your address is easy to spot from the street.  Pay attention the next time you take a walk and you will see how many homes fail this simple test.

Look for the following:

  • Script numbers or numbers that are spelled out in words may be aesthetically pleasing but are difficult to read quickly from the street. Use only individual numerals that are at least 4” tall.
  • Brass and Bronze numbers, although elegant, are difficult to see.  Use numbers that contrast with the background.
  • Illuminated or reflective numbers stand out best, especially at night.
  • Be sure that the view of the numbers when facing your home from the street is not obstructed by shrubs, trees, lighting, overhangs or decorations.
  • Numbers should be clearly seen when approaching from either side of the house.

An hour of your time and an investment of a few dollars can be a lifesaver.

Different types of number are easily purchased in hardware stores, Home Depot, Lowes, Amazon and other online retailers.