A Taste of Italian Music
Andrew J. Parise Park 200 Cedarhurst Ave, CedarhurstPerformance by Two Tenors and a Diva
Please be advised that on Tuesday December 24th Village Hall will be closing at 3:00 PM. On Wednesday December 25th Village Hall will celebrate closed in observance of Christmas Day. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
Performance by Two Tenors and a Diva
It’s that time of the year. Put away the Thanksgiving dinner leftovers and come to Cedarhurst’s Business District for a jam-packed Black Friday Weekend Sales Event you can’t afford to […]
Mayor Benjamin Weinstock and the Board of trustees invite you to participate in the celebration of Christmas in the beautiful Andrew J. Parise Park on Sunday, December 12th, at 4:00 […]
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Continuation of Pearsall Project Hearing