Important Message

UPDATE: Nassau County Stormwater Maintenance will now take place on Wednesday, March 26th.

Architectural Review Boards

The review board meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month to review all applications.

It is the purpose of this board to promote the health, safety, comfort and well-being and general welfare of the community and to preserve and promote the character and appearances and conserve the property values of the Village of Cedarhurst by providing procedures for an architectural review of the exterior of all structures henceforth erected, reconstructed, altered or remodeled in the business zones and multiple-dwelling zones of the Village of Cedarhurst, so as:

  • To encourage good qualities of exterior building design and good appearances and to relate such design and appearances to the sites and surroundings of structures; and
  • To permit originality and resourcefulness in building design and appearances which are appropriate to the sites and surroundings; and
  • To prevent such design and appearances as are offensive to visual sensibilities or as will change the character of the area.

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