Important Message

UPDATE: Nassau County Stormwater Maintenance will now take place on Wednesday, March 26th.

Memorial Plaza

A Fitting Memorial For Loved Ones, 9/11, And Veterans of All Wars.

September 11, 2003, Cedarhurst Park

On the anniversary of the contemptible tragedy that befell the Word Trade Center, Cedarhurst did more than just remember those lost on the date in 2001. With shovel in hand and a goal in their heart, Cedarhurst officials broke ground and unveiled the plans for “Cedarhurst Memorial Plaza”, one of the most comprehensive public memorials on Long Island.

A Monumental Project

Evolving beyond a lasting memorial to 9/11, Cedarhurst Memorial Plaza is uniquely designed to also honor those lost in service to our country and others to whom we pay tribute.

A Public Endeavor

The Plaza is a true community effort. Cedarhurst invites you to help build the Memorial “One Brick at a Time” by having a brick, bench, tree, or light dedicated in your name, loved one, friend, or business for all to see and remember.

The Plaza

Past Cedarhurst Park’s grand arch way is a brick pathway that encircle the flagpole and continues at the “Joseph P. Horan Memorial Walkway”. Featuring a memorial stone marker etched with the likeness of the former Deputy Mayor, who served for three decades. Flanking that are panels commemorating world conflicts and military chaplains. The brick pathway continues, highlighted by four slate inserts commemorating the time of each fateful attack on 9/11. That pathway intersects with others at a circle with a fountain, reflection pool, and an actual beam recovered from WTC. The circle has memorial benches and an impressive granite monolith etched with a scene of the World Trade Center and the names of all persons from School District 15 area lost on 9/11.

An Inspiring Setting

At any time, people can enter the sanctuary of this lasting memorial, walk down the memorial paths while reading the inscriptions, and sit by the reflection pool in peaceful contemplation.

Cedarhurst Memorial Plaza Gallery

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