Published on July 22, 2022

An Important Message from Liberty Utilities

As we continue to experience a dry stretch of weather and very high temperatures, Liberty is asking all residents to make water conservation a priority. During dry spells such as this, water infrastructure can struggle to keep up with the demand while also keeping storage tanks full. Keeping storage tanks full is vital to the health and safety of our community as it ensures adequate supply and pressure when firefighters respond to emergencies.

Currently, a significant strain on our water system is lawn irrigation. We urge customers to limit their lawn watering to a maximum of every other day, not watering between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., and using smart irrigation devices.

Minimizing irrigation can also help improve the water pressure in your home or business, as there will be less pull on the system.

Residents are also asked to be conscious of water usage inside the home, taking short showers instead of baths and learning how to detect leaks in your home. Visit the Liberty website for more conservation tips, and thank you for partnering with us in this important conservation initiative.